Sunday, April 11, 2010

Net neutrality... This is war.

Net Neutrality is at the top of my list of things I want to talk about. I'm aware that this news is at least a week old and that means it's fading from the collective thoughts of the world but please pay attention for just a seconded more I beg of thee because believe it or not the Government just tried to help you... I know crazy right.

I can only hope if you're reading this you are smarter than the guy on the plane who tried to have this conversation with me. (he was not a genius not even close)He was convinced that the government through its cease-and-desist order against cable giant Comcast was an effort by the government to game control over the internet. Now I'm not going to say that the government doesn't want to control the internet but that is not the issue here.The issue here is that the internet is currently being controlled by large corporations. One of those corporations namely Comcast decided that their users were using to much of their network to download through the use of torrent programs. The solution that Comcast came up with was to cap the speed at which those users were able to download or upload with such programs. This presents a major problem for me. (more than one really) Comcast charges somewhere in the neighborhood of $60.00 a month for a 10mb down /slow ass upload a month connection. Now because I use that connection to the best of my ability Comcast decided to slow that connection. Now the part of the government that controls the law regarding digital communication (The FCC) said "Hey you can't do that stop it". Sadly the newest ruling on this matter according to the federal courts is that the FCC does not have the power to ask them to treat their customers fairly and demand that the speed a customer pays for be what they are receiving at all times no matter the content they choose to view with that connection.

How is battle shapes up will be of quite a bit of interest to me. Personally I would have thought that since they get away with giving the American people some of the slowest internet on the planet (seriously Hungary and Bulgaria kill the us in speed) they would have been happy with that, however it seems like they want to slow the American people down even more the the federal courts just said that is ok. Sooooooo hmmmmm... I hear The republic Korea is nice (fastest internet in the world upload and download. The united states ranks in at 30)

I'm Back... I think

Wow I'm Back... I think. I Hope you didn't miss me to much. So much has happened in my time away I'm not sure where to start lucky for me I kept a note book of topics I've wanted to comment on since my last post so sit back and enjoy.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm not dead just busy... so much for lazy

Sorry for the long delay, and sadly you may be forced to wait just a bit longer for my newest blog. However there is good news. I've been writing steadily and I plan to upload all the blogs I written in my time away so stay tuned.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just the Facts...I think

Today’s post was originally going to be what I thought about the United States Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance. However in my search for correct information I discovered there was already a lot junk out there about what people thought of the decision but very little on the decision itself. (Yeah I’m look at you Fox News.) So here is how it went down.

On January 21, 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in Citizens United v. FEC. Originally it had been a federal felony punishable by five years in prison for a corporation to use any of its funds to criticize a candidate for federal office within thirty days of a primary election or sixty days of a November general election. They overruled an earlier case and also part of a 2003 case, finding that there was not enough evidence to justify the government censorship of political speech by corporations.

So there it is in a simple manor. I’ve tried to provide you with just the facts and remove as much opinion and legal extras from the story as possible. I’m aware of how hard it can be to get the simple facts of a story without the writer trying to tell you what to think. My thought in the next blog, (I’m in rare form today by the way) but feel free to tell me what you think about the decision or if I was unclear about something let me know.

Friday, January 8, 2010

My idea was better... I think.

As a genius Stupidity is one of the many things you have to get use to. Well that is not exactly true its just that sometimes the mind of a genius creates grand scenarios for some of life’s simpler questions and challenges. However since the geniuses can not be consulted on every idea and even the ideas on which he is consulted only a mere few will become reality they are bound to have to accepted ideas that they consider lesser, but that is a blog for another time. Sometimes however people will make a choice that is either truly stupid or less than intelligent a genius often has trouble telling the difference and I’ve learned just to ask.

So the University of Alabama football team has won the National Championship. They went undefeated in the regular season earn themselves a trip to the championship game and won. (That’s 14 wins in a row for those without knowledge of football) For all their hard work they were of course awarded a trophy, a crystal football. (At least I think its crystal) Now being the genius that I am (I like how I harp on that) I would take this trophy and place it in a room or case with lighting designed to look as if the light is emanating or being pulled toward the trophy itself. I would have settled and expected others to settle for them displaying it in a normal trophy case or in some place hollow to the school. Instead however the trophy is going to be displayed in the hollowest place of all…Wal-Mart! Now my mind is spinning with harsh words but that’s normal when my idea isn’t chosen so I must ask others. Is Wal-mart the proper place to display a university’s crowning achievements? It would be unfair of me to not include the explanation the university gave for displaying it’s trophy in Wal-mart. They wanted it displayed in a place where everyone could see it. Maybe I should see if Wal-mart would be interested in displaying my Nobel Prize once I’ve given up being lazy and won it... I'm good.

Welcome... I think

Through some wonderous act of fate, a Google folly, or I begged you have found yourself here. Now there are a number of questions I’m sure you’re asking yourself. Let me see if I can cover some. The first maybe “Where is here?” Here is the home for the thoughts of a Lazy Genius. Next “You don’t seem to be that lazy you created a Blog.” I’ve been think about the idea for a while now, but with the new year came a resolution to not just have the ideas but also to take a step toward making an idea a reality.” “Well now that you have turned this idea of yours into an actual blog, are you done? Can I stop reading now?” Now that I have a blog I am really going to try to update it at least 3 times a week. However I’ve already considered the fact that I can be lazy (hence the name) so I’ve taken the liberty of speaking with some other lazy geniuses that I know and ask them if they would be willing to write a blog for me from time to time. They agreed to think about it. (Hey they are lazy too) As far as deciding to stop reading well that’s up to you completely but I wouldn’t and I’m a Genius.