Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome... I think

Through some wonderous act of fate, a Google folly, or I begged you have found yourself here. Now there are a number of questions I’m sure you’re asking yourself. Let me see if I can cover some. The first maybe “Where is here?” Here is the home for the thoughts of a Lazy Genius. Next “You don’t seem to be that lazy you created a Blog.” I’ve been think about the idea for a while now, but with the new year came a resolution to not just have the ideas but also to take a step toward making an idea a reality.” “Well now that you have turned this idea of yours into an actual blog, are you done? Can I stop reading now?” Now that I have a blog I am really going to try to update it at least 3 times a week. However I’ve already considered the fact that I can be lazy (hence the name) so I’ve taken the liberty of speaking with some other lazy geniuses that I know and ask them if they would be willing to write a blog for me from time to time. They agreed to think about it. (Hey they are lazy too) As far as deciding to stop reading well that’s up to you completely but I wouldn’t and I’m a Genius.

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm as lazy as they come, the genius part is questionable. Glad there is a place for us now though :)
